مواضيع نشطة
- تحميل سلسلة ديما ديما الرياضيات السنة الثانية باك [PDF]
- تحميل ملخصات دروس مادة التربية الإسلامية أولى باك PDF
- تحميل 19 إمتحان جهوي في مادة اللغة الفرنسية + التصحيح
- الشخص والهوية نص ج.لاشوليي + المناقشة
- التجربة والتجريب نص كلود برنارد
- كتاب ملخصات قواعد الرياضيات الثانية باك [PDF]
- سلسلة ديماديما مادة علوم الحياة والأرض [PDF]
- سلسلة ديما ديما علوم رياضية (أ،ب) [PDF]
- الشخص بين الضرورة والحرية موقف باروخ سبينوزا
- العقلانية العلمية نص هانز رايشنباخ
يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.
Useful Phrases in Class عبارات مفيدة في الصف
What you can say to your friends or to the teacher :
- Good morning/Goodbye.
Thanks. Thank you (very much).
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm not feeling well.
What's the matter with you?
Are you feeling ill?
Are you better now?
Can I open the window?
- What's this in English/Arabic
What does...mean?
- Can I ask a question, please?
How do you do this exercise?
Can/Could you help me, please?
This question is difficult.
I don't know the answer.
I'm not sure.
Is this right?
Could you repeat the question?
Could you look at my exercise book?
I don't understand this word/sentence.
Could you write it on the board?
I can't see the board.
What must we do for homework?
- Can we read this story?
Let's act the story?
Can we sing song?
- Where's my ruler/Biro/...?
Has anyone seen my ...?
Have you got/seen/taken my ...?
Have you looked for it in the hall/ ...?
- This story is good/great/interesting.
I like it.
This story isn't interesting.
I think it's terrible!
I don't agree.
What the teacher may say to you :
- Open your books at page...
Close your books...
Turn to page...
Read the story on the page...
We're going to do exercise... on page...
- Please fetch me some chalk.
Would you collect the exercise books?
Do this exercise for homework.
Have you done your homework?
Write the answers in your exercise book.
- That's right. That's wrong.
Good. Very Good. That's good. well done.
That's not very good. Try again.
- Be quiet
Sit down, please.
Please speak up.
www.3elmo.com all right reserved
How do you do this exercise?
Can/Could you help me, please?
This question is difficult.
I don't know the answer.
I'm not sure.
Is this right?
Could you repeat the question?
Could you look at my exercise book?
I don't understand this word/sentence.
Could you write it on the board?
I can't see the board.
What must we do for homework?
- Can we read this story?
Let's act the story?
Can we sing song?
- Where's my ruler/Biro/...?
Has anyone seen my ...?
Have you got/seen/taken my ...?
Have you looked for it in the hall/ ...?
- This story is good/great/interesting.
I like it.
This story isn't interesting.
I think it's terrible!
I don't agree.
What the teacher may say to you :
- Open your books at page...
Close your books...
Turn to page...
Read the story on the page...
We're going to do exercise... on page...
- Please fetch me some chalk.
Would you collect the exercise books?
Do this exercise for homework.
Have you done your homework?
Write the answers in your exercise book.
- That's right. That's wrong.
Good. Very Good. That's good. well done.
That's not very good. Try again.
- Be quiet
Sit down, please.
Please speak up.
www.3elmo.com all right reserved
إشترك ليصلك جديد الدروس والمواضيع!
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الأقسام الرئيسية
science d'ingenieur
كتب تعليمية
اللغة الإنجليزية
الفلسفة ثانية باك
تعلم لغات
الثانية باك
بحوث تعليمية
فيزياء الثانية باك
Projet Encadre
ثانية باك
فلاشات تعليمية
نصائح للنجاح
أخبار التعليم
اللغة الفرنسية
علوم ثانية باك
إمتحانات جهوية
العلوم الفيزيائية
إمتحانات وطنية
ردحذفyou're welcome